Monday, 2 November 2015


Last but not least, post production. This is the last process, in terms of making a film, because it is the bit where the film gets put together, altered and edited. A lot of things happen in the post production process such as cutaways, adding different types of sounds, editing the visual screen and distributing the film. Before I get into the post production of how 'Suffragette' was put together, here are some different types of trailers that were made possibly during post production (but I don't think necessarily fits in with the rest of the post production processes)

Teaser Trailer 
A trailer not longer than a minute and a half. It cuts from a few takes and scenes while the picture is still being shot.

Theatrical Trailer 
Usually about 2 and a half minutes max. long. It cuts from the first cut of the picture and can be cut from all the shot footage if there is no first cut yet.

Internet trailer 
Produced exclusively for the internet. May contain music or footage that doesn't appear in the theatrical trailer. (This trailer is just an extended trailer of the TV spot, only available on YouTube).

TV Spot 
15, 30 or 60 seconds long. Usually don't have much to do with the theatrical trailer and produced separately from their campaign. It costs a lot to make a a film appear on a TV spot, hence why it's so short.

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